Runnning your own ELK stack on Rancher
I want to run a ELK stack on Rancher, i found a detailed step-by-step guide at rancher website
- Prepare the environment
Go to and find your “Endpoint for ‘Default’ Environment” this Endpoint will be your RHANCER_URL.
Click on “Add API Key” and you will see the a Username(RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY) and a Password(RANCHER_SECRET_KEY), please register these values in a file.
~$ mkdir my-elk
~$ cd my-elk
~$ vi creds
export RANCHER_URL=""
export RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY="your_access_key"
export RANCHER_SECRET_KEY="your_secret_key"
In a bash shell do
~$ source creds
Download rancher-compose from this URL
~$ wget<version-number>.tar.gz
~$ tar zxvf rancher-compose-linux-amd64-<version-number>.tar.gz
~$ sudo mv -v rancher-compose-v0.7.2/rancher-compose /usr/local/bin/
~$ rancher-compose -v
rancher-compose version v0.7.2
Clone our compose-templates repository:
~$ git clone
First lets bring up the Elasticsearch cluster.
~$ cd compose-templates/elasticsearch
First try will fail, cannot find the docker-compose.yml file.
~$ rancher-compose -p es up
ERRO[0000] Failed to find docker-compose.yml
FATA[0000] Failed to read project: open docker-compose.yml: no such file or directory
~$ find . -name docker-compose.yml
~$ cd 0.3.1/
Next instruction will bring up four services: (Other services assume es as the elasticsearch stack name)
- elasticsearch-masters
- elasticsearch-datanodes
- elasticsearch-clients
- kopf
~$ rancher-compose -p es up INFO[0001] Creating stack es INFO[0001] Creating service elasticsearch-masters INFO[0006] Creating service elasticsearch-datanodes INFO[0006] Creating service elasticsearch-clients INFO[0011] Creating service kopf INFO[0015] Project [es]: Starting project INFO[0015] [0/10] [elasticsearch-masters]: Starting INFO[0216] [1/10] [elasticsearch-masters]: Started INFO[0216] [1/10] [elasticsearch-clients]: Starting INFO[0216] [1/10] [elasticsearch-datavolume-masters]: Starting INFO[0216] [2/10] [elasticsearch-datavolume-masters]: Started INFO[0216] [2/10] [elasticsearch-base-master]: Starting INFO[0216] [2/10] [elasticsearch-datanodes]: Starting INFO[0216] [3/10] [elasticsearch-base-master]: Started
Once Kopf is up, click on the container in the Rancher UI, and get the IP of the node it is running on. Open a new tab in your browser and go to the IP, You should see one datanode on the page.!/cluster
Now lets bring up our Logstash tier, this will bring up the following services:
- Redis
- logstash-collector
- logstash-indexer
~$ cd ../../logstash/0.2.0/ ~$ rancher-compose -p logstash up
At this point, you can point your applications at logtstash://host:5000. (Optional) Install logspout on your nodes
~$ cd ../../logspout
~$ rancher-compose -p logspout up
This will bring up a logspout container on every node in your Rancher environment. Logs will start moving through the pipeline into Elasticsearch.
Finally lets bring up Kibana 4, this will bring up the following services
- kibana-vip
- nginx-proxy
~$ cd ../kibana/0.2.0/ ~$ rancher-compose -p kibana up
Click the container in the kibana-vip service in the Rancher UI. Visit the host ip in a separate tab, you will be directed to the Kibana 4 landing page to select your index.
Now that you have a fully functioning ELK stack on Rancher, you can start sending your logs through the Logstash collector. By default the collector is listening for Logstash inputs on UDP port 5000.
If you are running applications outside of Rancher, you can simply point them to your Logstash endpoint. If your application runs on Rancher you can use the optional Logspout-logstash service above.
If your services run outside of Rancher, you can configure your Logstash to use Gelf, and use the Docker log driver. Alternatively, you could setup a Syslog listener, or any number of supported Logstash input plugins.